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Evaluate increased operational reliability, reflecting a fortified cybersecurity infrastructure."

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April 30, 2024

The Cost of Free Wi-Fi

The flexibility to work remotely, from any location in the world, is a tempting offer. But without proper internet security knowledge and protocols, remote work may lead to unexpected harm to your personal and business data. The culprit? Your Wi-Fi networks. In fact, free Wi-Fi might come at a price you’re not willing to pay.

Matt DeVico
April 30, 2024

Identity Theft

Identity theft is when someone impersonates you and uses your personal data like your credit cards, name, Social Security number, etc. Bad actors use it to impersonate you.

Matt DeVico
April 30, 2024

The Dark Web

First off, what even is the dark web and why should you care about it? Think of the regular Internet. Think of what Google does for the Internet – they index the entire thing to make it easy for you to find things based on searching for whatever you want.

Matt DeVico
April 30, 2024

How to Protect Your Accounts from Being Hacked

In today’s digital world, it’s more important than ever to protect your accounts from being hacked. Hackers can steal your personal information, financial information, and even your identity. They can also use your hacked accounts to spread malware or spam.

Matt DeVico
April 30, 2024

Risk Management

Risk definition come in many forms and is often referred to as risk management. We find the easiest way to describe is simply as the possibility of something bad happening. Risk involves uncertainty about an activity with respect to something that humans value, often focusing on negative, undesirable consequences. None of us want something bad to happen and itspre-wired in our heads to assess the risk of a situation that is presented to us.

Matt DeVico
April 30, 2024

What are the most common types of cyberattacks?

Protecting Your Digital World: A Consumer’s Guide to Common Cyber Attacks

Matt DeVico
April 30, 2024

Wire Fraud

Wire fraud is real and can happen to anyone. As an example, let’s say you unknowingly accepted fraudulent wire and disbursement instructions that came in your email and transferred the money to criminals. You need to act fast to recover. Accepting wire and disbursement instructions by email is dangerous at best. It’s vital you immediately take these steps to recover from wire fraud.

Matt DeVico
April 23, 2024

How Can I Protect my Privacy Online?

Our privacy is becoming increasingly important in today’s digital world. We share more and more of our personal information online, and this information can be used by companies, governments, and even criminals to track us, target us with advertising, or even steal our identities.

Matt DeVico
April 23, 2024

How can I prevent online fraud?

Fraud is any act of deception that is used to gain an unfair advantage or to deprive someone of something valuable. Fraud can take many forms, including identity theft, credit card fraud, and investment scams.

Matt DeVico
April 23, 2024

Data Security Threats

One of your biggest threats is choosing what businesses you want to give your information too. Hackers can breach them and get your information without knowledge or wrongdoing from you.

Matt DeVico
April 23, 2024

How can I prevent Identity Theft?

Identity theft is a serious problem, but it doesn’t have to be. With a few simple steps, you can protect your personal information and keep your identity safe.

Matt DeVico
April 23, 2024

How can I manage my passwords securely?

Passwords are the keys to our online lives. They protect our email accounts, social media profiles, bank accounts, and more. But with so many passwords to remember, it’s difficult to keep them all strong and secure.

Matt DeVico
April 23, 2024

How can I create strong passwords?

A strong password is essential for protecting your online accounts from unauthorized access. A weak password can be easily guessed or cracked by hackers, giving them access to your personal information, financial accounts, and other important data.

Matt DeVico
April 23, 2024

How Can I Backup My Data?

Backing up your data is one of the most important things you can do to protect your digital assets. Data loss can happen for a variety of reasons, such as hardware failure, software crashes, natural disasters, and human error.

Matt DeVico
April 22, 2024

10 Cybersecurity Tips To Increase Safety and Awareness

We all love the many forms of connectivity offered to us through our devices and the internet, but the truth is, there are significant threats to our privacy as we store information online and on our connected devices.

Matt DeVico
user stories

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Discover how members of our community have secured their digital lives with our products. Gain insights and tips for your own online security journey.

April 1, 2024

Compromised Password

After using the same password for multiple online accounts, Anonymous discovers her email has been hacked. The attackers use the stolen information to access other accounts, changing passwords and personal details, leaving Anonymous feeling powerless and violated.

Matt DeVico
March 25, 2024

Targeted Phishing

Anonymous receives an email seemingly from her bank, congratulating her on a new scholarship program. Clicking the link in the email takes her to a fake login page, unknowingly handing over her bank credentials to scammers. Her savings are drained within hours, leaving her financially vulnerable and distrustful of online interactions.

Matt DeVico
March 18, 2024

Social Media Slander

Anonymous wakes up to find his social media flooded with hateful messages and accusations. An anonymous user has created fake profiles, impersonating him to spread rumors and damage his reputation, hindering his career opportunities and causing emotional distress.

Matt DeVico

Smart Home Security

David relies on smart home devices for convenience. However, a security vulnerability in his smart speaker allows hackers to gain access. They use the microphone and camera to spy on his family and even exploit vulnerabilities in other connected devices, potentially exposing personal information and compromising their safety.

Matt DeVico

Online Shopping

John falls victim to a social media scam. What looks like an enticing advertisement for a "miracle weight loss product" with glowing fake reviews leads him to a fraudulent website. He enters his personal and financial information to purchase the product, which never arrives, and his data is likely sold to other criminals on the dark web.

Matt DeVico

Digital Identity and Medical Mix-up

Tina experiences a frustrating ordeal when she attempts to renew her driver's license. Due to a data breach at a previous doctor's office, her stolen information is used to generate a fake medical record, causing delays, and requiring extensive verification procedures. This highlights the impact of data breaches on personal lives and administrative processes.

Matt DeVico


Lisa engages in online dating, connecting with someone who seems perfect. Over months, they build an emotional connection, with Lisa sharing personal details and even sending money to support the "relationship." However, upon investigation, she discovers she has been catfished, with all the information used to manipulate and exploit her.

Matt DeVico


Ethan faces constant cyberbullying from a group of online acquaintances. Through anonymous messages and social media posts, they subject him to humiliation and threats, causing emotional trauma and impacting his well-being.

Matt DeVico

Data Breach

After receiving a notification, Maria discovers her personal information was compromised in a data breach at a major retailer. Worried about potential identity theft and financial fraud, she faces the hassle of monitoring accounts and changing passwords, feeling vulnerable and insecure.

Matt DeVico

Public Wi-Fi

Anonymous uses the free Wi-Fi without realizing the network is unsecured. Hackers intercept her unencrypted data, including login credentials and academic documents, potentially compromising her privacy and academic performance.

Matt DeVico

Tax Time

Anonymous receives a call from someone claiming to be from the IRS. The caller threatens her with legal action if she doesn't immediately pay a fabricated tax debt. Fearing legal trouble, She sends a payment, only to discover later it was a scam, highlighting the prevalence of social engineering tactics used to target individuals and businesses.

Matt DeVico

Cybersecurity Newsroom

Stay updated on cybersecurity news. Explore articles from top media outlets for valuable insights into digital security.

Empowering Consumers: Dteckt’s Holistic Cybersecurity Platform Redefines Online Protection

As online transactions and virtual interactions become increasingly a part of the fabric of our daily lives, it’s easy to become comfortable and develop a false sense of security about our financial and private information being safe. But is it?

Making an Impact: Top Companies To Watch in 2024

Dteckt is an all-in-one online security platform that offers comprehensive protection for your consumer privacy, identity, finances, and cybersecurity. It includes features like identity monitoring, credit report and repair tools, a VPN, and a password manager. Dteckt aims to simplify online security by providing everything you need in one place.

Simplifying Online Security: How Dteckt Empowers Everyone to Stay Safe Online

On average, each person makes two online transactions per day. Not too many, right? Hold onto your seat. The average number of data interactions per person a day is expected to reach 5,000 by 2025, according to Statista.com; 5,000 opportunities to get your data stolen.

Matt DeVico’s Dteckt: Your All-in-One Solution for Safeguarding Your Online Identity and Finances

We expose ourselves to credit card fraud, bank fraud and identity theft almost daily. We have to; it is an online world that we live in. Whether paying a utility bill or ordering a new pair of shoes, most of us type in our information, cross our fingers and hope for the best.

Successfully Funded: Episode 243 - Matt DeVico, Founder and CEO of Dteckt on Apple Podcasts

Inspired by his long career in IT services, Matt DeVico built Dteckt (including its core product, Persona Monitoring), with a specific eye toward serving the customers who need the most help understanding cybersecurity threats.


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Have questions?

Frequently asked questions and answers

Find answers to commonly asked questions about cybersecurity and Dteckt's services.

Cyberbullying: What is cyberbullying, and what can I do if I or someone I know is being cyberbullied?

Cyberbullying is: Using digital means to bully someone - texts, social media, gaming, etc. It can be mean messages, rumors, embarrassing photos, or impersonation. If you or someone you know is being cyberbullied:

  1. Don't respond or retaliate. It can make things worse.
  2. Save the evidence! Screenshots, messages, etc. are helpful.
  3. Block the bully. Cut off contact on all platforms.
  4. Tell a trusted adult! Talk to a parent, teacher, or counselor.

Mobile App Security: Are all mobile apps safe? How can I choose secure apps to download?

Not all apps are safe. Malicious apps can steal info or harm your device.

Choose wisely! Here's how:

  1. Download from official stores like Google Play or App Store.
  2. Check ratings & reviews. See what other users say.
  3. Beware of excessive permission requests. Does the app need access to everything?
  4. Look for a reputable developer. Known companies are usually safer bets.
  5. Keep apps and devices updated. Updates often include security patches.

Data Breaches: What should I do if I find out my data has been exposed in a data breach?

  1. Verify: Confirm if your data was exposed. Check the company's breach notification or use a reputable data breach checker.
  2. Secure Accounts: Change passwords for the breached account and any others using the same password.
  3. Monitor Accounts: Keep a close eye on your financial statements and credit reports for suspicious activity.
  4. Consider a Freeze: Placing a freeze on your credit report can prevent unauthorized accounts from being opened in your name (depends on your situation).
  5. Stay Alert: Be wary of phishing scams that might try to capitalize on the breach. Don't click suspicious links or share personal info.

Online Shopping Safety: How can I be sure a website is legitimate before I enter my payment information?

Before you pay:

  1. Look for "https://" and a padlock icon in the address bar (secure connection).
  2. Check for typos, bad grammar, or weird domain names (red flags).
  3. Find a clear "Contact Us" page with info (shows legitimacy).
  4. Research the website or company for reviews (build trust).
  5. Stick to known retailers if possible (added security).

There are different types of 2FA, such as:

  1. Authentication apps that generate temporary codes on your phone
  2. SMS codes sent to your phone number
  3. Security keys that you physically insert into your device
  4. Enabling 2FA for your online accounts is a simple and effective way to significantly improve your security posture and protect your personal information.

Why should I enable 2FA?

Because passwords alone just aren't enough to keep your accounts safe these days. Hackers can steal passwords through phishing attacks, malware, or even data breaches. With 2FA enabled, even if a hacker steals your password, they'll still need that second factor to log in to your account.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): What is 2FA and why should I enable it for my online accounts?

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an extra layer of security for your online accounts. It adds a second step to the login process, making it much more difficult for unauthorized users to access your information.

Why are software updates important for cybersecurity? How often should I update my devices?

Software updates often contain security patches that fix vulnerabilities hackers can exploit. Outdated software is more susceptible to cyberattacks.

  1. Apply software updates for your operating system (Windows, macOS, etc.), web browser, and applications as soon as they become available.
  2. Enable automatic updates whenever possible to ensure your software stays current.

Social Media Scams: I saw an ad on social media promising big rewards with little effort. Is it likely a scam, and how can I spot them?

Social media is a breeding ground for scams. Here's how to identify them:

  1. Unrealistic promises: If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Scammers often lure you in with promises of quick wealth or exclusive opportunities.
  2. Urgency or pressure tactics: Scammers might try to pressure you into acting quickly before you have a chance to think twice.
  3. Poor grammar and spelling: Legitimate businesses typically have professional-looking content.
  4. Suspicious links or requests: Be wary of clicking on links or sharing personal information through social media ads.

Here's what to do if you see a suspicious social media ad:

  1. Don't click on any links or engage with the ad.
  2. Report the ad to the social media platform.
  3. If unsure, don't share!

Public Wi-Fi Security: Is it safe to use public Wi-Fi? If so, how can I protect myself when I do?

Public Wi-Fi networks can be convenient, but they're not always secure. Here's what to be aware of:

  1. Public Wi-Fi can be monitored by hackers who might intercept your data (passwords, credit card information).
  2. Avoid using public Wi-Fi for sensitive activities like online banking or entering credit card information.

Tips for using Public Wi-Fi Safely:

  1. If you must use public Wi-Fi, consider using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to encrypt your data traffic.
  2. Disable file sharing on your device when connected to public Wi-Fi.
  3. Avoid accessing sensitive accounts on public Wi-Fi.

Strong Passwords: How can I create strong passwords that I can remember? Are password managers safe?

Strong passwords are essential for cybersecurity. Here's how to create them:

  1. Use a minimum of 12 characters, including a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
  2. Avoid using dictionary words, personal information (birthdays, addresses), or simple patterns.
  3. Create unique passwords for each online account.

Remembering strong passwords can be tricky. Here's where password managers come in:

  1. Password managers securely store your passwords and can generate strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts.
  2. Dteckt Vault uses robust encryption to protect your passwords, making them inaccessible to hackers.

How to Avoid Phishing and Spear Phishing:

  1. Be cautious of unsolicited emails, even if they appear to be from a familiar sender.
  2. Don't click on suspicious links or attachments. Hover over the link to see the actual URL before clicking.
  3. Be wary of emails demanding immediate action or offering unrealistic rewards.
  4. If you're unsure about an email's legitimacy, contact the sender directly through a trusted channel (e.g., phone number you know is correct).

Phishing vs. Spear Phishing: I clicked on a suspicious link in an email. What's the difference between phishing and spear phishing, and how can I avoid them?

Both phishing and spear phishing are email scams designed to trick you into revealing personal information or clicking on malicious links. However, there's a key difference in their approach:

Phishing: Casts a wide net with generic emails that appear to be from legitimate companies (e.g., banks, credit card providers). They often contain urgency or a sense of reward to pressure you into clicking.

Spear Phishing: Targets a specific individual or organization with a more personalized email. Attackers might research the target beforehand to craft a believable email that appears to come from a known contact or colleague.

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